Sunday, April 10, 2011

These are pictures of the beach at the beach house.

This is the view looking south.

This is what it looks like when you first get off the path from the house. I am sort of on a tiny point...when you walk to the point (where Nugz is at) and look right, you are looking north

This is the view looking north.

Can you see the osprey nest in the distance?


Lolly said...

Ok, it is official. I am blind. Can see the osprey nest but can not see Nugz. Maybe the paint has camouflaged him.LOL

magpie said...

Yes, Yes I Can!
Clicked on the pic, then clicked on it Nugz's tail!

Great Stuff Paula....
So very happy for you...!!

hedgie said...

I had to enlarge, too, to see them!!! Lovely!!